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Transport Companies in Gujarat

Transport Companies in Gujarat


The State of Gujarat has three distinct regions - a corridor running north to south which is the industrial main-land, a peninsula known as Saurashtra, and Kutch, which is partly desert and partly marshland. The state's 1,600-km (994-mile) coastline has attracted sea-farers through the ages, lured by the rich prospects of trade. The Arabs, Portuguese, Dutch, Mughals and British, as well as Parsis fleeing their native Iran, have all left their mark on Gujarat's culture. Fascinating archaeological sites, superb Jain, Hindu and Islamic architecture, exquisite crafts and rare wildlife, including the Asiatic lion, are among Gujarat's attractions, as are its hardworking, enterprising people. In January 2001, an earthquake hit Gujarat and devastated the region of Kutch. But with their legendary capacity to overcome hardship and disaster, the people lost no time in rebuilding their lives out of the debris around them. Transport Companies in Gujarat...

Gujarat's Leading City, Ahmedabad was the state capital until 1970. This bustling industrial and commercial centre also has a fascinating old quarter, redolent with Gujarat's traditional culture and history. Legend has it that the city owes its foundation to Sultan Ahmed Shah (r.1411 - 42), who, while out hunting, encountered a warren of rabbits on the banks of the Sabarmati river. Astonishingly, the rabbits turned fiercely on his hounds and defended their territory. Viewing this as an auspicious sign, the sultan built his new capital at this site and named it after himself Ahmedabad. Transport Companies in Gujarat...

The Old City of Ahemadabad

Bounded by Lady Vidyagauri Rd, Sardar Patel Rd & Kasturba Gandhi Rd.
A maze of crowded bazaars, poll (large gateways, leading to residential quarters), exquisitely carved facades, temples, mosques and subterranean stepwells (vavs) mark the 3-km (2-mile) square that makes up the Old City. This area is best explored on foot, and the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation organizes a daily Heritage Walking Tour through the atmospheric bylanes. Transport Companies in Gujarat...

Visitors can climb to the roof of the Bhadra Fort, the site of the original city, for panoramic views of the surrounding streets. Southwest of the fort is Ahmed Shah's Mosque, a simple place of worship, built in 1414 on the site of an early 13th-century Hindu temple. Transport Companies in Gujarat...

Perhaps Ahmedabad's most photographed monument, Siddi Saiyad's Mosque in the northeast corner of Bhadra Fort, is renowned for its superb yellow stone latticework. Made by a slave of Ahmed Shah in 1572, the twin jalis on the western wall depict the intertwining branches of a tree, carved with extraordinary delicacy.

Southeast of the fort, the Teen Darwaza ("Triple Gateway") straddles the road, which is lined with shops selling block-prints, silverware and assorted bric -a-brae. Close by, along Mahatma Gandhi Road is the Jaini Masjid, which Sultan Ahmed Shah built in 1423, to enable the faithful to congregate for Friday prayers. Transport Companies in Gujarat...

The masons who constructed this yellow sandstone structure, ingeniously used pieces retrieved from demolished Hindu and Jain temples - the black slab close to the main arch is said to be the base of an inverted Jain idol. The mosque's 15 domes are supported by 260 pillars covered with intricate carvings. The interior is illuminated by natural light filtered through latticework screens. Transport Companies in Gujarat...

Outside the east entrance of the Jami Masjid, close to the jewellery bazaar in Manek Chowk, is the Tomb of Ahmed Shah, with elegant pillared verandahs, where the sultan, his son and grandson are buried. In the heart of the market, echoing the plan and layout of the sultan's tomb, lies Rani-ka-Hazira, the mausoleum of his many queens. Transport Companies in Gujarat...

To the southeast of Manek Chowk is Rani Sipes Mosque, also known as Masjid-e-Nagina ("Jewel of a Mosque") because of its d proportions and slender minarets. Northwest of Manek Chowk is Rani Rupmati's Mosque. dedicated to the sultan's Hindu wife. Built in the mid-15th century, it has elements of Hindu and Islamic design, with perforated stone screens to provide privacy for women. Transport Companies in Gujarat...

The city's famous Shaking Minarets, next to the railway station, were partly damaged , in the earthquake of 2001, and are now closed to visitors.

The other important tourist cities in Gujarat include Somnath , Dwarka , Gir , Diu , Bhuj ,Kutch .

Swan Tours is one of the leading transport companies promoting in Gujarat, Please contact the transport division in Swan Tours to get the best possible customised itineraries covering Gujarat and other nearby destinations.

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